
More Than Meets The Optics - Part 4

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Erilmadith-Everyoung's avatar

Literature Text

It hadn't taken long to get Mirage on board the Nemisis to start his search for the missing bots. It was the wait for the spy to finish his mission that was killing Deckerd.
He'd been pacing back and forth for the last five minutes like a trapped animal in the command center of the Ark. From his experience with Shadowmaru he knew that a stealth mission like this could take hours.

Up until recently Deckerd had been busy familiarizing himself with what the Autobots knew about their enemy as well as the Autobots themselves. The more he learned about Megatron the more concerned he became about Drill Boy and the outcome if the Decepticons were successful in learning the secrets behind the Brave Police. Devastator and Menasor were tough enough as it was, if they became as intelligent and stable as Super Build Tiger then what could possibly stop them?

That was when Mirage finally reported in. Deckerd had hoped that the spy would have brought back news that would have allowed them to rescue the missing bots right away. The sooner they got Drill Boy away from the Decepticons the better.

What Mirage had found out was more troubling.

"There's no easy way for me to get any of them out." He explained, "Soundwave has his cassettes watching the place like a flock of hungry of cyber hawks, not to mention he's personally monitoring security."

"Well, there goes the plan of sneaking them out from under the Decepticon's noses." Prowl grummbled.

Mirage wasn't finished. "Worse, Megatron's getting ready to ship them back to Cybertron. Something about experiments needing to be run."

"Whatever Megatron wants he must need Shockwave's expertise to get at." Prowl reasoned. "He wouldn't dare use the space bridge for anything less."

Uh oh, Deckerd thought, a terrible realization hitting him. If the Decepticons had already made that much progress then they'd also know by now that he was the template for all Super AIs. He shuddered to think what Megatron would do with that kind of knowledge.
Deckerd opened his mouth to warn Prowl about the potential implications when the warning siren sounding. Deckerd wasn't totally familiar with the Autobots' protocols but he immediately knew that particular tone of siren was bad news when he saw Optimus and a number of the warriors thunder by towards the entrance of the Ark.

"Decepticons have entered our defense perimeter." Prowl explained as he grabbed his rifle from a holder on the wall. "Stay here."

Deckerd gritted his teeth together as the tactician rushed out the door. He hated being treated like he couldn't handle himself. He was about to follow Prowl when the memory of his fight with Skywarp came back to him, how his own pistol had been worse than useless against the Decepticon. He'd been lucky that he hadn't been killed that time but there was no guarantee that he'd be able to cheat death a second time.

By chance he noticed the holder that Prowl had taken his rifle from. Just below where the rifle had been was a laser pistol of some kind.

He made up his mind in a split second. He had a plan and if he were going to get a chance at rescuing Drill Boy it was now. Quickly he replaced his own pistol with the one in the rack and darted after Prowl.

It didn't take Deckerd long to figure out where the Autobots had gone, the tire tracks left behind made for an easy trail to follow. At the end he found the 'Bots facing down a near equal number of Decepticons. Deckerd's optics were drawn to the large grey armored mech at the front of the Decpticon's force, he recognized him from the vids. Megatron, the Decepticon leader and the mastermind behind recent events.

At the moment Megatron was busy throwing various insults at Optimus Prime, something that Prime chose to respond to with a few taunts of his own. As Deckerd reached the edges of the Autobot ranks the conversation turned in a direction that immediately grabbed the brave detective's attention.

"Hand over the other drone and I'll let your mechs go. Their lives for one insignificant human built machine. I doubt you'll ever get a better deal, Prime."

That was enough for Deckerd. "Does the 'drone' get a say in this?" he shouted from somewhere in the midst of the Autobots. He stalked forward so he was standing next to Optimus and glared at Megatron. "Let Drill Boy and the Autobots go and I might let you walk away."

"Bold words for an over-glorified repair drone." Megatron's evil grin broadened. "If you feel that strongly about it, then you can fight me for their freedom." Optimus started to protest but Megatron cut him off, "Alone. If Prime or any of the Autobots interfere then you and the prisoners will all die."

Deckerd hesitated for a moment. He didn't want to imagine what this monster could be doing to Drill Boy at the moment. He answered. "Fine. Name the time and place."

Megatron's smirk grew just that much more sinister. "Here. This time tomorrow."

Sometime later, back at the Ark, Deckerd couldn't help but feel that he'd caused quite a stir among the Autobots. He kept catching whispers from various Ark crewmembers that no one aside from Prime had ever challenged Megatron directly and lived. He was now on his way back to Prime's office to speak with the Autobot commander. The blue and white mech stood at the door to Prime's office for a few minutes, attempting to get what he was going to say straight.

The Autobots had to know what was going on.

He could hear muffled voices. Someone was there with Optimus.
The door hissed open. As when he had first arrived Prime was seated at his desk. This time, however, Prowl and Jazz were already there. The larger mech looked up as Deckerd entered and stood before him.

"There you are. I was hoping you would show up while these two were still around." Optimus began. "Prowl told me that he gave you instructions to remain within the Ark. You chose instead to follow us. I know that you are not part of my crew, therefore not bound by our chain of command. However, you hardly strike me as the type to disobey an order without a good reason."

Deckerd nodded. Something told him that Prime wasn't the yelling type. Stark contrast to Vice-commissioner Azuma, Deckerd thought with a mental smile, he'd have launched into a scalding lecture by now for disobeying an order. "That actually ties in with why I wanted to talk to you in the first place. There's something you should know before you judge me on my actions. You know already that Megatron intends to copy my team's link-up ability and apply it to his mechs. It slipped my mind before but after today I realized that Megatron can't get the data he needs from Drill Boy.
"Like all the other Brave Police, Drill Boy's base code was copied from another source. Megatron can only get partial structural schematics from him and those alone won't be enough to give his combiners the edge they were looking for. He needs the base template to get the full schematic. That's why he wanted me. I am that template; all Super AIs are based on data taken from my AI core and we all share similar structural designs."
It was hard to read Prime's expression behind that battle mask but Deckerd could tell that he'd made an impact. "No wonder Megatron seemed so desperate to get his hands on you."

Prowl asked, "So why challenge Megatron when you know that he could kill you in an instant? He doesn't need you alive to take the data. Knowing him it's probably easier if you are dead."

"Because I also learned that Megatron's pride has been his downfall in previous battles. He's too willing to underestimate his opponents and to show off how tough he thinks he is. In all senses of the word he's a bully."

"Big surprise there." Jazz remarked sarcastically.

Deckerd continued, "Now, I have an idea of how to win the fight. Megatron said I had to fight him and not be helped by the Autobots ...but he never said how I had to fight him or that my own squad couldn't be involved. There are a few abilities that I know the Decepticons haven't seen yet that would put the odds in our favor and show the Decepticons that they can't pick on us when ever they like. All I ask is that you trust me."

Jazz exclaimed, "Dude! He sounds just like you do, Prowler. You sure he ain't your long lost brother or somthin'?"

"It's a risk but one both of us are willing to take." Optimus said, "I had a feeling that you would do whatever was in your power to help your friend. You have the Ark's resources at your disposal as well as any advice from the crew. They may not be able to aid you in the fight itself but that doesn't mean that you can't ask for their help in preparing."

Deckerd bowed to Optimus, "Thank you. You won't be dissapointed."

Twenty minutes later Deckerd and Prowl were on their way across the ocean in the hold of Skyfire's jet alt mode to go round up the rest of the Brave Police.

The Autobot jet had assured them that he could make the trip in about an hour either way, less if he went to high altitude. It still was the longest ride of Deckerd's life. He couldn't help but worry about Drill Boy. After hearing all the horror stories about how the Decepticons treated their prisoners and seeing the mechs in person Deckerd shuddered to think what was in store for the energetic youngling should the fight turn in Megatron's favor.

Deckerd shook his head. No. He wasn't going to let his fear rule him. He hadn't let it stop him from facing down the Chieftains, it hadn't stopped him when he faced the Fahrzeugs and near certain death. He wasn't about to let it stop him now.
He looked across the hold to Prowl, the other mech was deep in his own thoughts. Deckerd realized there was something he still had to do.
"I'm sorry for disobeying you."

Prowl looked up, surprised.

Deckerd continued, "Normally I don't do that kind of thing but I had to that time. For the longest time my team was all the 'family' I had. If I'd been the one captured the others would have probably done their best to rescue me."

"No apology needed." Prowl responded. "Jazz was right; you and I think alike. In the middle of a battle there's often no time to explain your actions, it's either do or die. If I had been in your position I would have done the same. And I'm not the only one. I think that's why Optimus was so willing to let you go through with this."

Deckerd fixed Prowl with a puzzled look.

"I believe," Prowl explained, "It's because he sees a version of himself in you."
Deckerd knew that was high praise indeed, "I … I don't what to say to that."
"Trust me, Deckerd, the only real difference between the two of you is the fact that Prime has millennia of experience under his belt."

"I hope I can live up to that." A thought crossed Deckerd's mind, "Do you mind if I ask a personal question?"

"Not really."

"How did you personally get tangled up in a war like this?"

Prowl vented a soft sigh, "I guess you could say I was a lot like you. I was an enforcer in my home city until the Decepticons destroyed it. With Praxus gone I saw that there was no other reasonable option than to join the Autobots. As for how I got here … Well, as the saying goes, 'that's history.'"

"Are you planning on going back to your homeworld when the war's over?"

"Provided I survive that long and we win… I don't know. The Cybertron I knew is long since gone." Prowl let a small smile play at the corners of his mouth. "Maybe I'll take Jazz up on his idea to just stay here on Earth."

"You could drop by our HQ and give us some pointers." Deckerd suggested, "After what I've seen of your fighting style and how you handle the Ark's security  … imagine what you could show us."

Prowl's smile grew a fraction bigger, "You know, that sounds like a plan."

Deckerd chuckled, "You'll just have to watch out for Gunmax."

"I handle Sideswipe on a regular basis. I'm certain there is nothing that your friend could possibly do to me that I haven't seen before."

That made both mechs laugh.

Skyfire's voice came in over the speakers near the front of the hold at that point, "Hate to interrupt, guys, but we're here."

Once on the ground Deckerd and Prowl transformed to their respective alt forms and set off in search of Deckerd's squad-mates.

They didn't have to search long before Deckerd spotted a familiar red and gold dump truck.

"Dumpson!" he called. The heavy truck ground to a halt and quickly transformed into the powerful form of the wrestler detective.

"Deckerd! Where have you been? We've been turning Japan upside-down looking for you and Driller."

"Long story. Dumpson, where are the others?"

The red mech shrugged. "Duke and Shadowmaru are back at base. Gunmax and Power Joe are on patrol. And … McCrane's still in repair bay."

"What?! What happened?"

"The two of us were searching for you when we ran into that second combiner group that whooped us right before you disappeared. I saw one of the cars go in one direction so McCrane and I thought we could corner him and get some answers. Would have worked … until that stinkin' semi showed. I didn't think it was even possible for a truck to hit with that much force in such a short distance. He t-boned McCrane so hard that he rolled."

"How bad?"

"The techs are still pounding dents out of him. He was so banged up that he couldn't transform."

"That sounds like the Stunticons alright." Stated the police cruiser that had just rolled up next to Deckerd.

Dumpson stared at the new arrival. "Who the heck is this?"

Before Dumpson could say anything more the cruiser transformed. "Prowl. Autobot tactician."

"Dumpson, how soon can McCrane get back on his feet?" Deckerd continued.

"Dunno. Couple of days at best." Dumpson answered, still eying Prowl.

Deckerd gave an irritated growl. "I don't have a couple of days. I have a few hours."

"What's going on, boss?"

"Dumpson, I'll be perfectly clear. If I don't haul my aft back to Oregon within the next twelve hours some maniac alien tyrant is going to kill Drill Boy …"

"OVER MY DEAD BODY HE IS!" Dumpson raged, "Where is he?! Just give me the direction and I'll rip him limb from limb!"

"…unless I fight him and win. And to do that I need the whole team."

"I may have a solution to our problem with your injured team-mate." Prowl turned on his comm-link, patching through to another Autobot somewhere. "Hot Spot, status report. … Understood … Give me First Aid's location, I need him on an emergency repair job." Prowl returned his attention to Deckerd, "The Protectobots are in the area. Their medic will be able to get McCrane back into fighting status in an hour or two."


"Let me get this straight. You want us fight a whole stink-load of homicidal alien robots so you can rescue Drill Brat?"

The entire squad had taken off the moment that McCrane was back on his feet. It had taken First Aid about three hours to finish a job that would have taken the tech crew nearly a week to complete. Fortunately for them they'd been able to leave right away since Vice-Commissioner Azuma was nowhere in sight. Chief Toudou, thoroughly stunned and impressed with the appearance of at least two Autobots, had promised to cover for them. Hopefully their absence would remain unnoticed until they returned.

Still without his support vehicle, Deckerd had to ride back the same way he'd come, in the hold of Skyfire's alt mode along with Prowl. The rest of the squad flanked the Autobot jet in their various powered-up or combined modes. Most recently the Build Team had gotten very vocal about the situation.

"I know this isn't our usual strategy, Power Joe, but …" Deckerd tried to explain.

"Is there any chance of reasoning with this Megatron?" interrupted McCrane.

"About as much as we had with the Hyper Chieftain … maybe less. I can't explain my plan fully here, though."

"Why not?"

Prowl was the one who answered McCrane's question. "Soundwave. The mech that forced your team to separate, he's also Megatron's master spy. He is constantly monitoring Autobot frequencies and now that he knows that you are our allies he'll be watching your comm-links as well. The less of an opportunity we give him to listen in, the better." Prowl ended the link and looked across to Deckerd, "I hope that your plan works."

"It will." Deckerd answered, a look of determination on his face.

"Prowl. This is Hound."

Prowl responded to the hail, "Prowl here. What is it Hound?"

"You were right. Megatron is going to try and throw the fight. He's got the Combaticons on stand-by. The moment he starts to loose they have orders to link up and finish in Megatron's place."

"Scrap." Cursed Prowl. He was about to respond when Deckerd interrupted.

"Don't act on it. I want Megatron to think he's got the upper hand."

"Bruticus is much stronger than Devastator or Menasor."

"I know. Trust me."

Minutes later Skyfire touched down near the area where Hoist and Grapple had been working as fast as they could to repair Deckerd's support vehicle.

Deckerd was suitably impressed. The repairs had been completed in the six hours that he'd been gone.

Prowl had stood by as he and Deckerd watched the engineers finish, scanning the skys for any sign of air-borne Decepticons. Recently, however, the tactician's gaze had shifted to the large vehicle in front of him. "I still don't understand how you plan on beating Megatron with this. By now he knows about your combined mode."

"You'll see. I've still got one trick up my sleeve that he hasn't seen."

Hoist stood up at that point. "You'll need to give us a few minutes to tow it to the top of the plateau. Other than that we're finished."

"As long as it's in position by the time Megatron shows up we're fine." Deckerd reached for a small slot in the right side of his chest plate but suddenly realized something. "My badge! I must have dropped it during the fight back in the forest."

"Is it critical?" asked Hoist.

"Unfortunately. I can't issue the unification command without it."

Prowl pulled something out of his subspace. "I'm assuming this is it." He said as he held out a small device. "Jazz recovered it when we brought you to the Ark."

Deckerd took the badge from Prowl. There was no going back now.
The brave detective called his team in. "Here's the plan…."
I was tired of having this just sitting in my computer and not on DA. Plus I’m sure everyone is anxious to hear what happens with the Brave Police.
Big point I want to make: I am NOT going to edit this further. If I do it will just sit there and never get done. I don’t care if there are errors, or it isn’t the greatest writing, I was forcing myself out of a bad case of writer’s block, so don’t bug me. Same thing goes for the next chapter.

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Brave Police - Sunrise
Transformers - Hasbro
© 2012 - 2024 Erilmadith-Everyoung
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"If I don't haul my aft back to Oregon..." - Dekerd learned a couple of cybertronian curse words.