
More Than Meets The Optics - Part 2

Deviation Actions

Erilmadith-Everyoung's avatar

Literature Text

Deckerd was about ask Power Joe for more details on the case when the main comm link to the headquarters activated and McCrane's voice blared through.

"Power Joe! We need you down here right away! We need Super Build Tiger to deal with this." The urgency in the normally calm combat detective's voice was as clear as day ... but what could get McCrane so worked up on what should be a surveillance mission?

Deckerd didn't get time to ask since Power Joe was already out the door. Not hesitating Deckerd raced after him. Chances were if Super Build Tiger was needed then a little help from J-Decker wouldn't be out of the question. Deckerd triggered the link with J-Roader to start up and follow him once he got on the road. There were days he was glad that the ability to issue the unification command had been transferred to himself, Duke and McCrane.

Seconds later Deckerd charged out of the garage and shifted to his vehicle mode, J-Roader tailing close behind him. He caught up to Power Joe and the two of them rushed to the scene.

What they found there was disturbing to say the least. McCrane, Dumpson and Drill Boy were out number two-to-one by a gang of neon green and purple bots. About the same size as the Brave Police and just as heavily armed the bots would have made formidable opponents just like that. However, and this was the most disturbing fact of them all, they didn't move like mindless drones. Each mech's movements were smooth and quick. The movement of a Super AI equipped robot.

Before Deckerd could point this out to Power Joe, the yellow armored mech darted ahead and joined his brothers in the fray.

As soon as the Build Team was close enough together McCrane gave the order.
Simultaneously, McCrane, Power Joe, and Dumpson leapt into the air with Drill Boy trailing behind by a second. Faster than most humans could follow the four mechs linked up into the mighty Super Build Tiger. Deckerd waited, he'd hold off linking up unless the Build Team needed him. Surely the combiner could handle a handful of mechs like this.
Deckerd couldn't have been more wrong.

Instead of fleeing the group of the mechs stood staring at the massive bot in front of them ... and laughed.

"You call that a combiner?" jeered one.

Another laughed, "I've seen repair drones that can do better."

"Why don't you come over here and say that?" snapped Dumpson's voice from somewhere inside the combiner.

Still snickering the gang all turned to one that Deckerd guessed was their leader.
"Think you can handle that, boy?" the mech then turned to his companions, "CONSTRUCTICONS, TRANSFORM AND UNITE!"

Gears and hydraulics worked, metal shifted and rearranged itself, the forms of the six mechs were pulled together into a single massive body: a titan that was considerably larger than Super Build Tiger with red optics.

"Face the wrath of Devastator!" boomed the giant in a voice that sounded like all the voices of his components speaking at once. He lunged forward and caught Super Build Tiger on the chin with an upper-cut that sent the Build Team combiner flying.

No questions about it now. Deckerd issued the unification command to his support vehicle. The instant the sequence finished J-Decker charged forward and  tried to tackle Devastator. It was like hitting a renforced concrete wall. Devastator staggered but didn't go down; instead he simply grabbed J-Decker and tossed him aside. He skidded into an already largely destroyed building and came to a stop.

"Gunmax! Duke! Shadowmaru! We need reinforcements. Home in on my location. I repeat. We need reinforcements!" J-Decker shouted over the comm as he got ready to lunge for Devastator again.

He was about to leap when he heard the approach of a series of engines. However, it wasn't the rest of the Brave Police. A motley group of cars and one black and grey semi-truck were heading right for them. Seconds before they smashed into the ongoing fight they mimicked Devastator's link up, the truck becoming the torso and the four cars the limbs of another titan.

"Menasor destroy!" bellowed the new threat.

J-Decker didn't have a choice. He had to leave Super Build Tiger to handle Devastator on his own.


What Deckerd, or any of the other Brave Police, didn't realize was that they were being observed.

Soundwave had been sent to supervise the Constructicons and to ensure that the Autobots didn't discover their location. It was interesting that it was not the Autobots who finally tracked the Decepticons' activity down. Soundwave, though he never showed any sign outwardly, was impressed that the primitive human built enforcers had tracked the Constructicons down and were now putting up a fight worthy of a Cybertronian combiner team. Perhaps there was more to these Brave Police than first met the optics.

Soundwave relayed these thoughts back to the communication room on the Nemisis, where Megatron was waiting for his report.

"Interesting. And you say they are human built?" Megatron responded.


"This certainly requires a more thorough look." The pleased tone in Megatron's voice betrayed that he was already planning on how he could turn this to his advantage. "Bring one of these mechs back to base. Preferably one of the combiner team. I'll send Skywarp to assist."

"As you command, Lord Megatron."

With the link deactivated Soundwave prepared to follow his master's orders. However before he could rise into the air he detected the approach of three more mechs, none were Decepticon. One looked to be a darker mirror image of the white armored combiner currently locked in combat with Menasor. Calculating the odds, Soundwave decided that it would be best to simply grab his target and run while Devastator and Menasor kept remainder of the Brave Police busy. As for the two other mechs…

"Laserbeak, Ratbat: Deploy. Operation: interference."

The two cassettes launched, transformed, and immediately homed in on their targets.
The combiner blasted past, straight for Menasor, leaving his smaller companions to deal with Soundwave's cassettes.

With all of the Brave Police occupied all that was left was to draw the target out. Soundwave decided on the one identified as Super Build Tiger. He was physically similar enough to the Decepticons' own combiners that Soundwave theorized that he would have the same weakness. The right frequency of energy pulse, directed at the main component, would sever the link up and force the combiner to disengage. It would also leave the components, provided they weren't knocked unconscious, in a weakened state. Easy prey.

It was difficult to get the combiner in a clear line of sight. Super Build Tiger was fighting far more intelligently than Devastator, utilizing complex martial arts moves against Devastator's heavy handed bashing. All the more reason to capture one of the Brave Police. If the reason their combiner was so intelligent and yet stable could be translated to the Decepticons then the Autobots wouldn't stand a chance.

"Devastator, disengage." Soundwave unleashed the blast.


J-Decker's optics widened a fraction as he saw the pulse hit Super Build Tiger, the pained screams of the Build Team making him cringe. Seconds later the combiner broke up, the Build Team falling into a heap at the feet of a mech that, somehow, J-Decker had managed to miss. The mech's unblinking crimson gaze settled on them.

"Brave Police: Inferior. Soundwave: Superior." He monotoned. Then, to the horror of J-Decker and the Build Team, Soundwave reached forward and grabbed Drill Boy by his collar. "You will do." With that Soundwave took off, dragging a struggling orange armored youth with him. The rest of the team feebly tried to regain their footing and reunite but failed, helplessly watching their youngest brother be abducted right in front of them. A scenario that J-Decker was not going to tolerate. He saw that Duke Fire was still locked in combat with Menasor so he was on his own and Devastator was nowhere to be seen. Gunning his boosters he shot after Soundwave.

Soundwave must have seen his opponent approaching because he turned to face J-Decker. For a moment J-Decker couldn't figure out why Soundwave wasn't trying to escape. A loud thunder like crack answered his question. A black and purple F-15 suddenly appeared in the sky to his right, releasing a pair of missiles as it flew. J-Decker had to loose contact with Soundwave for a brief second to dodge the oncoming projectiles.


He returned focus to his original target when he heard Drill Boy cry out.
The F-15, now in the form of a black, purple and grey winged robot, had taken the youngest member of the Brave Police force from Soundwave and was preparing to fly off. In a last ditch attempt, J-Decker lunged forward and managed to snag one of the perpetrator's legs. That was when he felt his whole body get yanked forward with tremendous force and his vision flash white for a second. The next second he was no longer above the burning factory, he was over open water and being circled by two more F-15s.

"End of the road, glitch." He heard the black and purple robot chortle seconds before he got the full force of one of the mech's heel mounted afterburners in the face. The intense heat left J-Decker practically blind and disoriented; he tightened his grip so he wouldn't lose his target. He had to rescue Drill Boy, the youngling's desperate pleas for help edging him on.

That was when he felt two pairs of powerful hands wrap around his upper arms and forcefully tear him off his opponent, tossing him a good distance. A metal body slammed in to him, causing him to lose his balance and fall. He hit the water and went under. As quickly as he could he surfaced again, J-Decker heard one last desperate scream from Drill Boy followed by a loud thunder clap and then ... silence. Confused, J-Decker rubbed at his optics again, trying to clear them. Partially successful he searched for Drill Boy or any of his foes. Not a trace.



"Let me GO!" shrieked Drill Boy, tugging hard against the bot holding him. He'd been fighting ever since the after-effects of the shockwave had worn off, which had been a few short moments ago. Right after J-Decker had been tossed into the ocean.

The black and purple bot that was valiantly trying to maintain a hold on him growled angrily, "Stop squirming you little brat." He managed to pin both of Drill Boy's arms behind his back for a moment with one hand while trying to control his head with the other. Drill Boy took the opportunity to bite the other mech's hand right in the junction between his thumb and finger. He was rewarded with a pained screech and the mech released him.

Transforming and gunning his boosters as hard as he could Drill Boy took off like a rocket. He didn't know where he was heading, at the moment he didn't care. Drill Boy had never been so scared in his life. Far from any place he knew, surrounded by clearly hostile mechs, and his brothers were nowhere in sight. His first instinct was head for land; he could see the shore not that far off. If he could just get there…
He could almost feel the distortion in the air as the three winged mechs chased him. They were fast and much more agile in the air than he was but he was willing to bet he could go one place they couldn't.

The shore line was clearly visible now, a steep cliff face made of jagged wind and water-worn rocks. In short, a good place to literally dig in. The drilling bit nose cone of Drill Boy's alt mode began rotating until it was a metallic blur, high pitched whining filling the air. Drill Boy, even though he was in a near panic managed to count down the seconds to impact. 10… 9… 8… The jets were getting closer. 7… 6… 5… 4… He knew one of them was about to grab his tail. 3… 2… 1… Impact. The instant the tip of his nose cone hit the rock his wings retracted and he shot a head into a tunnel that quickly filled in behind him with rubble.

Part of him knew that he was safe; they couldn't go after him in here, not with those wings or their size. However another part of him told him to keep going. That was the part he listened to. After a while he pointed his path towards the surface. Once he broke the surface he stopped and returned to robot mode. The coast looked clear but there was no way to really know.

Frightened and feeling very alone Drill Boy sat at the bottom of the shaft he'd dug, knees pulled up under his chin and arms around his legs.


Deckerd had never felt more lost. He'd failed to save Drill Boy and was now wandering in a land totally unfamiliar to him. After he had swum to shore he'd been forced to break the link-up and abandon J-Roader since it was proving impossible to navigate without visual sensors. In that state J-Decker would only make a bigger target. He'd hidden his support vehicle near the beach he'd managed to swim to. Since then he'd been wandering for nearly a full day and was beginning to wonder if he'd ever find any signs of civilization.

The familiar sound of car engines caught his attention. Finally he'd have some sort of reference point. He increased his pace to a jog, heading towards a rise in the land. It turned out to be an overlook above a highway stretching far to the horizon in both directions. The source of the sound that had drawn Deckerd's attention was directly below him, a most unusual convoy of vehicles was driving past. Deckerd could pick out a Datsun police car, an army jeep, two Lamborghinis, a formula one racer, and the last car he'd expected to see. A white Martini Porsche with red and blue racing stripes.

The same Porsche that had out run him and given Shadowmaru the slip back in Japan.

Resisting the urge to immediately transform and take off after his former target Deckerd reminded himself that he had to focus on rescuing Drill Boy. However, to do that he'd need to find help. Chances were that this mismatched convoy was heading towards some sort of center. Grudgingly he waited for the vehicles to move farther down the road before slipping down and assuming his vehicle mode. Deckerd trailed after the unusual group, far enough behind that he wouldn't arouse any suspicions.


At that moment Drill Boy was starting to worry if the others would ever find him. He figured his only real chance was to get above ground and try to contact the other Brave Police with his badge. Cautiously he climbed out of his hiding place and looked around.
However, before Drill Boy could make a move he was hit by some kind of energy beam. That numb feeling overtook him and he dropped to his hands and knees, once again helpless.
The black and purple mech from before and one of his comrades stalked forward and each grabbed one of Drill Boy's arms, hoisting him to his feet. In a flash the three of them were caught up in a flash of light and the next thing Drill Boy knew they were in a dark hallway somewhere.

The orange armored youth glanced around nervously as the two mechs started dragging him towards some unknown destination. The one on his right was the one who he fought with and had taken him from Soundwave. On his left was a physically identical mech, only coloured mostly blue. Marching arrogantly in front of them was yet another mech of the same build, a white and red bot with some blue markings and a perpetual sly smirk etched into his face. He'd been the one to finally stop Deckerd by ramming him. All three mechs had the same shade of crimson optics, optics that sent shivers up Drill Boy's spine.

Where were they taking him? Drill Boy honestly didn't want to know the answer. The group entered a large, mostly empty room with a throne at the opposite end of the room. Seated on that throne was a mech. If Drill Boy hadn't been scared before, now he was terrified. He couldn't explain why, but every circuit in his Super AI screamed at him to run, to get far away from the grey armored mech sitting on that throne. His captors weren't about to let that happen though. They dragged him closer, until he was a few good paces away and he could see every detail of the mech's armor. He was mostly a grey silver colour with darker portions on his legs and a few red highlights. His face was pale with black marks around his murderous blood red optics. If Drill boy had been human he was certain his pulse would have tripled when he saw what was attached to the mech's right arm. A cannon, nearly as long as its owner's arm and black as night. Drill Boy didn't need to be an expert to know that was an energy weapon, not all that different from the  J-Buster or  Tiger Cannon.

Drill Boy suddenly found himself being forced to kneel before the mech by the two winged bots holding him.

The white and red mech in front took another step forward. "Well, Mighty Megatron, anything to say? I said I'd bring one of the human's drones before you." His voice was harsh, screechy, and highly irritating.

"Yes, Starscream." the grey mech purred, "You've done well. For once." His crimson gaze moved to Drill Boy. Now frozen with fear Drill Boy simply stayed stone still as Megatron stood and stalked over to him like some kind of predator. The cruel crimson gaze inspected every inch of Drill Boy's frame, the whole time Drill Boy silently wishing that the floor would just open up and swallow him. Megatron reached out and lifted Drill Boy's chin, forcing their optics to meet. "For a human creation he is remarkably similar to a Cybertronian." Megatron released Drill Boy so he could look to Starscream. "Soundwave told me that another of these 'Brave Police' followed you. Where is he?"

"I ... uh..." Starscream stuttered.

"Starscream. Where. Is. He?"

"It was Thundercracker's idea! He was only hindering our escape so we dumped him like a piece of trash."

Megatron promptly back-handed Starscream. "You fool. Did it ever occur to you that if he's found by any of Prime's lackeys he'll alert the Autobots to our plan?"

"I ... Thundercracker! Skywarp! Get out there and find that drone!"

The two bots holding Drill Boy released him and darted back down the hall they'd come from.

"Don't think you're getting out of this that easily, Starscream." snarled Megatron.

Starscream mumbled something under his breath and stomped out after his comrades.

"Now." Megatron crooned malevolently as he returned his gaze to a still trembling Drill Boy, "You're going to tell me exactly how the humans got such advanced technology without my knowledge."


Deckerd had followed the mismatched convoy for about half an hour before the police car, Porsche, and the army jeep turned off onto a dirt road while the Lamborghinis and the racer continued down the highway. Deckerd slowed down, unsure at first which group to follow. He decided on the one that had taken the dirt road. Given all the options, the dirt road provided more cover, more opportunities to get the advantage on the group if they tried to run, since it lead through a fairly dense forest. The brave detective quickly reverted to his robot mode to follow his target through the trees in a much stealthier manner.

Deckerd didn't make it very far into the forest when he heard a familiar high pitched whine cut through the air. He looked up in time to see a trio of F-15s flash by overhead, frighteningly familiar F-15s.

They're the ones who took Drill Boy, Deckerd realised, hand going unconsciously for his gun. Second later the three jets looped back and dove straight for him. Seconds before they ploughed into the ground all three transformed into robots, all of them bigger than Deckerd by a fraction.

"See, Thundercracker. Told you he wouldn't make it far." Sneered the black and purple mech.

"Yeah, yeah. You're real smart Skywarp." Remarked his mostly blue companion sarcastically.

"Quiet you fools," snapped the third, a white and red mech with blue markings, "Do you want the Autobots to hear us?"

Skywarp scoffed. "So what, Starscream? Why would they care? He's not one of them, he's just a pathetic human-built excuse for a mech. Bet we could scrap him right here and then dump his carcass in front of the Ark and the Autobots wouldn't give a scrap."

Before Starscream could respond another voice cut in. "I'd recalculate those odds before I place any bets."

Skywarp and Starscream turned simultaneously to face an oncoming police cruiser.
What is he thinking?, Deckerd wondered, How can he take on one of these monsters let alone three?

He quickly got his answer. Not five car lengths away from Starscream the police cruiser transformed. The mech was as tall as Deckerd and had a similar lean but strong build. In a single smooth motion the mech drew a gun of some sort and fired directly at Starscream, not slowing in his charge. Deckerd heard no shots ricochet but he did witness Starscream shriek in pain and then double over, leaving him vulnerable to his foe. The new mech body checked Starscream with enough force to send the winged mech flying.

Before the attack could resume Starscream jumped into the air, shrieking at his comrades to retreat.

Thundercracker hesitated for a moment but immediately flew after his leader at the approach of the two other vehicles. Skywarp had other plans. He lined up his weapons on the mech, who was still distracted with trying to shoot down Starscream, and prepared to fire.

"Look out!" Deckerd shouted to the mech. Bringing his pistol up Deckerd fired three rounds at Skywarp. Much to Deckerd's surprise the bullets simply ricochet off his armor, annoying the mech more than anything. Skywarp smirked and aimed his weapon at Deckerd.

Deckerd had been shot before, it happened at least twice in his career, but this was different. This wasn't a solid projectile that tore holes in things. This was an energy weapon, one that burned through armor, seared circuitry and sent a shock through his entire frame. Deckerd dropped down on all fours, one hand clamped over the wound in his abdomen. Out of the corner of his optics he spotted movement. The Porsche, the one that he had chased in Japan and had followed here, flashed by. In a flurry of moving metal the Porsche broke apart and reassembled into another mech. Slightly shorter than the first with a black helm and a bright blue visor covering his optics, the mech moved with incredible speed. He rapidly flanked Skywarp and fired a few shots from his own drawn weapon. Skywarp finally took to the air.

That was the last thing Deckerd saw before darkness suddenly claimed him.
Dun dun duuuunnn.

Don't worry no one dies in this story ... they just get really big boo-boos.

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Brave Police - Sunrise
Transformers - Hasbro
© 2012 - 2024 Erilmadith-Everyoung
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FirebirdTransAm68's avatar

That was an awesome chapter.

Seeing Super Built Tiger fight Devastator and Menasor for the first time was epic. (Many times fans wondered what would happen if the Transformers were crossed over with Mecha anime shows like Voltron; there is a picture with Lion Voltron vs. Devastator. Having sentient robots from two different universes fighting each other was something many Trans-fans and Mecha fans were waiting for; good job on that.)

Drill Boy has been captured by the Decepticons; oh, no! What are they going to do with him? Looks like I will have to find out in the next chapter or so.

And no wonder Deckerd and his comrades are called the 'Brave Police;' Deckerd saved Prowl (I think it is Prowl) from Skywarp, and got himself shot. I don't know if anyone could try to defeat alien robots that have laser ammo with Earth ammo; even though Deckerd did not successfully shoot at Skywarp, he at least distracted him from shooting a potential ally for Deckerd.

Unfortunately for Drill Boy, he met the Decepticons. Fortunately for Deckerd, he is about to meet the Autobots.

Overall, your story is looking excellent. Well done.